New Turmoil Over Predicting the
Effects of Genes
efforts at disentangling the effects of genes and the environment on
complicated traits may have been confounded by statistical problems.
Jordana Cepelewicz
April 23, 2019
Various innovations in the field of genomics over the past
few decades have given researchers hope that resolutions to long-lasting
debates might finally be on the horizon. In particular, many have become
optimistic about the prospects for disentangling the threads of “nature” and
“nurture” — that is, about determining the extent to which genes alone can
explain differences within and between populations.
But two recent studies are now calling some of the methods
underlying those aspirations into question.
A key breakthrough was the recent
development of genome-wide association studies (GWAS, commonly pronounced
“gee-wahs”). The genetics of simple traits can often be deduced from
pedigrees, and people have been using that approach for millennia to
selectively breed vegetables that taste better and cows that produce more
milk. But many traits are not the result of a handful of genes
that have clear, strong effects; rather, they are the product of tens of
thousands of weaker genetic signals, often found in noncoding DNA.
When it comes to those kinds of features — the ones that scientists are most
interested in, from height, to blood pressure, to predispositions for
schizophrenia — a problem arises. Although environmental factors can be
controlled in agricultural settings so as not to confound the search for
genetic influences, it’s not so straightforward to extricate the two in humans.
But now, two
results published
last month have cast doubt on those findings, and have
illustrated that problems with interpretations of GWAS results are far more
pervasive than anyone realized. The work has implications for how scientists
think about the interactions between genetic and environmental effects. It also
“raise[s] the ghosts of the possibility that we overestimate … how important
genetics is in contributing to differences between people,” said Rasmus
Nielsen, a biologist at the University of California, Berkeley.
Predictions and Dreams
The warning signs started
quietly. Genome-wide association studies had already proved incredibly
successful at identifying genetic markers for a wide array of traits, even in
complex cases where it wasn’t obvious what the many, many variants were doing.
What had also emerged from that
research as an “obvious, beguiling offshoot,” according to Nick
Barton, an evolutionary biologist at the Institute of Science and
Technology Austria, was a specific prediction known as a “polygenic score.”
Beyond the associations themselves, GWAS could provide estimates of how
individual variants in the genome corresponded to measurable changes in a
trait; polygenic scores constituted the sum of all those tiny effects. For
instance, with height, having a guanine base instead of a cytosine one in a
particular DNA region might correlate with being 0.1 millimeter taller than
average. The polygenic score would take all those approximations, add them up
and spit out a prediction for some individual’s actual height.
Of course, to reach these
conclusions, the researchers had to make sure they weren’t being accidentally
misled by subtle environmental factors instead. Take an oft-cited, trivial
example: Imagine you have chosen to study the genetics underlying motor skills
by investigating how well people use chopsticks. A naïve approach would yield
strong associations between chopstick use and certain genetic markers — yet
those markers might simply be common among groups of east Asian ancestry who
have used chopsticks more often, rather than having anything to do with
intrinsic motor skills.
But the scientists had ways to
correct for those biases, and the signal of selection on height remained. “We
were really excited about that, because we were finally getting to look at …
adaptation operating on complex traits,” said Graham
Coop, an evolutionary geneticist at the University of California,
Davis, who led some of that work along with Jeremy
Berg, an evolutionary biologist now at the University of Chicago. Several
studies, including one that used sibling data (the closest thing to a “control”
experts have in this line of research), replicated their results.
And then the two recent papers in eLife, both relying on a newer
database called
the U.K. Biobank, saw that signal disappear.
The Vanished Signal
That database was larger and more
homogeneous than the one that had driven the previous findings, and had been
compiled much more systematically, reducing some of its biases just a bit. As a
result, it yielded slightly different estimates for the small effect sizes
associated with each of the variants, which weren’t a big deal in individual
cases but added up to significantly different overall polygenic scores.
Though it was always understood
to be a problem, “no one realized how big of a problem it was,” said Shamil
Sunyaev, a computational geneticist at Harvard Medical School who
performed one of the new eLife analyses
with his graduate student Mashaal
Sohail and their colleagues.
“It was just that sort of feeling
where the world shifts under your feet slightly,” said Coop, who with Berg and
their colleagues coauthored the other eLife paper
to try to confirm their earlier research. “It’s fairly humbling to see
all of that work go away.”
Barton agreed. “The whole thing
is tricky, because the origins of genetic variation in any population are
really complicated,” he said. “Now you really can’t take at face value any of
these methods over the last four or five years that use polygenic scores.”
“Maybe the Dutch just drink more
milk, and this is why they’re taller,” Sunyaev added. “We can’t say otherwise
with this analysis.”
And when the trait being studied
isn’t height, that can be dangerous. It means that trying to use estimates made
about the effects of variants on diseases in one population might not apply to
individuals in another population. That’s particularly worrisome because the
vast majority of genome-wide association studies rely on data from people of
white European ancestry. “People are not homogeneous, and it can come back to
haunt you,” said Magnus
Nordborg, a population geneticist at the Austrian Academy of
The eLife work
underscores an urgent need for future studies to involve more people, a greater
diversity in data and more family-based replication analyses. It also calls for
more sophisticated statistical methods that can better control for population
structure and other environmental factors — something researchers are already
working on as they continue to delve into exactly what went wrong with the
initial analyses. “The methods developed so far really think about genetics and
environment as separate and orthogonal, as independent factors. When in truth,
they’re not independent. The environment has had a strong impact on the
genetics, and it probably interacts with the genetics,” said Gil
McVean, a statistical geneticist at the University of Oxford. “We
don’t really do a good job of … understanding [that] interaction.”