Sunday, October 18, 2009

New Year

A beautiful sentiment beautifully expressed, by Daniel Freedman:

There once was a man whose name was Ben-dordia who was a little crazy
A harsh word, did someone foretell, that made him feel queasy.
Looking to the mountains, the heavens, and the earth;
He asked the sun and the moon and the stars and constellations; to
help see his worth.

But all to no avail.

He cried, and wept and felt remorse,
His feelings of sorrow, sincere and heartfelt to the core,
His prayers did heaven endorse,
and he returned to his Maker once more.

Now he was truly forgiven for his act,
in one moment, it’s a fact,
as much has been said,
I pray for you instead;
on the day of kingship, judgment and shofar,
I would like to pray for your well-being,
health, happiness, peace and prosperity,
and all should be good, in all that you are doing,
with success and joy should be with you, with all sincerity.

Lots of Love and Warm Wishes for the coming year.